Tuesday, February 17, 2009


I had never come across RSS feeds before this exercise but I can definately see the potential. While I found Bloglines a little hard to navigate (in addition to the problems the site was having that day), I can appreciate the benefits of having links to all your favourite sites in the one place.

My favourite website is dictionary.com so I was pleasantly surpirsed to see that I could add their 'Word of the Day' feed. I also added World News Australia as I find their news stories to be the most credible.

I think RSS feeds are a great way for libraries to keep in touch with their clients. Keeping them updated on new titles and unpcoming events or notifying them of existing services and collections that they may not have been aware of.

1 comment:

  1. It is great you have discovered RSS feeds - that is one of the fun parts of the course, trying out things you have not.

    Ellen (PLS)
